Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog. I'm sure that doing this is somewhat self-indulgent but, I shall endeavour to make it worth your while. This is my first venture into the world of blogging and, I suppose like many before me, I'm hoping to create healthy discussion within the readership and contribute to making a positive impact on society. If my opinions or verbiage upsets you, I hope you will express your feelings in a constructive and polite manner.
So..., apart from trying to figure out how to make this page useful or interesting, my first dilemma was to whom should I open this blog and how much of myself to reveal. Did I want people to be able to identify me? If so, should I restrict my content to protect my family? Does it matter if noone wants to read what I have to say? What to do, what to do? I guess I'll have to work it out as I go.
It occurred to me today that my anxieties have the potential to completely take over my life. There's a part of me that is strong, capable and resilient and that side has brought me through a lot of turmoil in my life. But lately, the child in me is surfacing too often and, through her, I think I have an inkling as to how people can get to a point where they are actually afraid to leave their homes or interract with others. I am finding it very difficult to shut things out - if someone walks by me with a cane, I almost seem to feel their pain, if someone tells me a problem, I take on the worry and try to solve it for them. This may seem wonderful and empathic, and it could be, but I realize that the level at which these things are affecting me is neither normal nor healthy. This may have occurred as a result of increased stress(caused by health issues, the death of a number of friends/co-workers, the struggles of friends and acquaintainces to survive in the current economic environment, helping one my of sons cope with a working memory deficit and a growing discontent with some aspects of my life).
Further, in my work environment, I communicate with thousands of people from many different walks of life and it's rarely in their proudest moments. I do my best to make contact with me a pleasurable part of their day but, of course, we can only control our behaviour and it is inevitable that we run into people who seem determined to be unpleasant.
Now, I believe we all live in our own little communal bubbles (i.e., we tend to maintain relationships with people who are generally like us). As a result of this, we may lose a certain sense of how different other people's lives and lifestyles are, and that their, ' normal', could be diametrically opposed to ours. While these differences make life and people interesting, when I am confronted with certain differences (such as people who seem to walk around angry all the time or lead a life filled with violence), I am fearful for myself and for the future of my children who will be completely exposed to such people in due course. This is a battle that I, like so many others, face every day - trying to deal with our personal demons while bringing up our children to be loving, capable, contributing and well-adjusted members of society. I wonder, how do you handle things? What techniques do you use to cope or to help your family? Do you feel like you're winning the war?
You have done what I've been dreaming to do, but like you...whom would I let in. You are now my inspiration and I look forward to following you and being FEARLESS.....You go girl!
I love your use of words, you describe your thoughts and feelings so eloquently. I totally usnderstand what you are saying and I feel a sense of relief to know that I am not the only parent out there who is 'trying to deal with personal demons while bringing up children to be loving, capable, contributing and well-adjusted members of society' As to my techniques, I try my best to be honest with them, we attend church as a family and it helps to reinforce our Christian values and keeps us spiritually strong, displaying trust and belief in each other no matter how bad things get and most important, lots and lots of talking and listening to each other.
Keep blogging girl!!! I believe you have something to say and lots to share.
Such eloquent use of words to describe what you are thinking and feeling, Re Techniques, lots of talking and listening and always saying I, love you and I am sorry really does make a difference.
Keep bloging Girl!!!
I believe you have something to say and I like many others will keep looking in to get an update.
Thanks Asher. I've never done anything like this and it's quite a learning curve, so I'm definitely going to be a novice for awhile. You should have heard me yelling when I figured out how to generate code so that I could create the Job Search fields.
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